Groups for teens and parents.
More Information:
RAP –A is a;
- universal resilience building program for teenagers aged 11 – 16 years
- aims to integrate both cognitive-behavioural and interpersonal approaches to improve young people’s coping skills, build resilience and promote positive development
- can readily be implemented in a school setting or other group situations
- Consists of 11 sessions of 50 minutes
- helps parents/carers of teenagers to promote a family environment that assists healthy adolescent development
- involves 3 parent sessions of between 2 – 3 hours duration.
The program has 3 themes:
- Parents Are People Too
- What Makes An Adolescent Tick
- Promoting Family Harmony
Contact Details:
To express interest in hosting a RAP-A or on attending a RAP-P contact Family Services
Wollongong: 4421 7760
Shellharbour: 4295 8776
Shoalhaven: 4448 2475