ERP provides emergency financial and material assistance including referrals to other services for young people who are vulnerable, disadvantaged, homeless or those at risk of disadvantage and homelessness.
Services include:
- Emergency funds for food and other essential items such as personal hygiene products and toiletries
- Access to a range of essential medical needs such including pharmaceuticals, medicines, dental, optical and other treatments
- Help with rent, accommodation and emergency payments
- Help with utilities such as gas and electricity and other accounts
- General assistance for payment of other health and welfare services eg, Counselling
- Other emergency needs
- Referral to other services as appropriate
The Emergency Relief Program is available in the Illawarra, Goulburn and Queanbeyan
Contact details
Illawarra - 1A Denison Street, Wollongong Phone: 4240 4800
Goulburn -12 Auburn Street Phone: 48221120
Queanbeyan - 17 Kathleen Street Phone: 62329171
The Emergency Relief Program is funded through the Commonwealth Department of Families, Community Services, Housing and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA), Emergency Relief Program