The Service provides transitional housing to at risk of homelessness young people aged 18 to 23 years (17 years can be consider in special circumstance) who are in engaged in or preparing to engage in education, training and pre-employment and employment support.
The Warilla Accommodation Service is connected to the Southern Youth Foyer Project and is run as a ‘Foyer like’ service
The Service aims to provide assistance to young people so they can improve their living situations, move to independence and improve their chances of completing education, accessing training and gaining employment.
It provides the best chance of success for young people pursuing education, training and employment. The Service works closely with existing relevant services and sits within a well-established integrated service system. A variety of accommodation and housing facilities are offered including onsite support and also dispersed independent units.
The Service provides:
- Supported transitional housing
- Assistance with employment, education and training
- Support, advocacy, information
- Living skills, social skills and personal development
- Liaison with other agencies
- Assessment, intervention, basic counselling and mediation
For more information on the 'Foyers Program' please go to
- Foyer Foundation website -